
Becoming a parent has been something that I have been both excited and terrified for my whole life. And a big part of that is what a crazy responsibility is it!

I grew up being taught that having a family is pretty much the whole point of this life. Yes, we can to earth to gain a body and to learn from our mistakes and become better. But the Heavenly Father commanded His children to multiply and replenish the earth. We are taught that we have the responsibility to “rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World.)

Which to me can sound kind of scary. We are to be responsible to help these innocent children to be able to make their own choices and recognize right from wrong.

And something that really stood out to me during my class lectures was the idea of parenting based on the needs of the children. I mean it says that directly in the Family Proclamation. “provide for their [your children’s] physical and spiritual needs.

Michael Popkin taught that the purpose of parenting is “to protect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world in which they will live.”

Something that I will always remember is when my dad would half-jokingly say, “do as I say not as I do.” As great of examples to my parents are to me they aren’t perfect. And my dad definitely knew that, he would always talk about how we are capable of being better. And that is something that has always stuck with me because I know I won’t be the perfect example to my kids, but I can teach them so they can be better than I am.

And that I think is a really important part of parenting is not only leading by example, but helping your children realize their potential. Which I think leads int to preparing children to survive and thrive in the world that they live in.

As far as protecting I think that falls with providing children with their physical and spiritual needs. Because there are a lot of really terrible situations when children are neglected and just don’t have their needs met. Because children need more than just food, water, and a place to sleep. Children need love, and support, and feel like they belong if you ever want them to thrive.

I love my parents and they have taught me so many lessons in life. But one of the greatest lessons I learned is that I am loved, and I am cared for. I know that no matter what my parents are concerned for me and want what is best for me. And That is something that I want to pass along to my children.

Because I personally think that can determine the “success” of a parent. Is that the parent loves their child, and provides for their needs. To me it is a parent striving to teach the child to recognize right from wrong and to help them learn from their mistakes.

I am so grateful that my parents taught me early on in my life that there will always be consequences to your actions, whether good or bad. And you not only have to make choices that result in consequences but you also have to learn how you are going to react to those consequences. What a wonderful blessing it is to have parents who will teach their children that and it is something I hope to pass along one day to my children.
